The first day of the Rebels trip to the last frontier was a very long travel day. The boys started the morning with a normal practice at IceWorks in Aston. After practice we all packed up our hockey gear and long underwear and headed to the Philadelphia International Airport. We made it to the airport with plenty of time to kill before taking off, so most guys roamed around the airport to find some food while others took a nap.
Our first leg of the trip was a five hour flight to Seattle, WA. After landing in Seattle we had a quick layover and got right back on the plane for a three hour flight to Anchorage, AK. As soon as we landed in Anchorage all they guys pulled out their heavy winter jackets, hats and mittens (no, no Mareks Mitens). The temperature was -13 degrees Fahrenheit and there was a strong wind blowing. After gathering all of our gear from baggage claim, a bus picked us up outside of the Anchorage airport around 1am Alaskan time (5am ET).
The last leg of the trip was a three hour bus ride through the mountains to Kenai River, AK. At this point everybody was exhausted and slept the entire bus trip. We finally made it to our hotel at 4am Alaska time (8am ET). After traveling for over 14 hours it was time to get some sleep.