Rebels announce Scout Night for November 10th Game

Oct 10, 2017

The Rebels have announced that Scout Night is planned for Friday, November 10th when the New Jersey Titans visit the Class of 1923 Arena at the University of Pennsylvania.

Any Scout (Cub, Brownie, Webelos, Girl and Boy) who wears their uniform to the game can purchase a  general admission ticket for only $10 (regularly $13). Any person who accompanies a Scout in uniform (regardless of quantity) also can purchase a ticket for $10.

All Scouts and their accompanied party will receive a wrist band that entitles them to receive one FREE Chuck-A-Puck in which they can throw during the second period intermission. Additional Chuck-A-Pucks can b purchased for the regular rate of $2 for one puck, $5 for three pucks or $10 for ten pucks.

Eight people will be randomly selected to participate in a tricycle race during the first period intermission. All Scouts will have their picture taken with the team at the conclusion of the game.

If you are a scout leader and would like to order group tickets, please call Joe DiMarino at (888) 637-6523, extension 708.